Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Labor of Love

  Spring has arrived and with it all the required tasks to get that garden growing. This is our second year at this garden site and already we are seeing the payoff from hundreds of hours of work and hundreds of wheelbarrow loads of amendments and mulch. Yes, we are crazy. Last year saw us struggling to make garden beds and fight back the invasive Johnson Grass. This year I can concentrate on intensively and successively planting those beds. I just need to alert all the aphids, beetles, worms, slugs and small rodents to stay out of my territory!

This is a quick look at our starting point in February of 2011!

 This years starting point, February 2012!

March 2012

Yellow Snow Peas climbing the trellis.

Rocky Top Mix Lettuce (loved by children and slugs alike).

At least my perennials can survive the bugs.

Flower beds under the trellis.

Tomato, peppers and basil starts.

My Tarragon has gone wild.


  1. This garden plot is HUGE, Kara! It looks great! Will you be selling some of your crop? It looks like it will produce more than your little family could eat ; )

    1. Thanks so much Erin! Amazingly, we will be trying to eat it all, can it for the winter and most certainly bestowing some on friends and neighbors. Wish you were closer to try some!

  2. It's beautiful! Always so impressive what you guys managed to do!

  3. Great job on the garden (of course) and the blog! I am really going to enjoy reading this throughout the year!!!
